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2009.09-2011.08, 美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校,交流学者

2013.02-现在, mk体育工作





1. 项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于硼酸酯键和纳米金信号放大技术构建癌症标志物电化学传感器(21305004),25万,主持,结项。

(2) 国家自然科学基金联合项目:基于阿尔茨海默病药物分子的多肽类靶向载体的设计与合成研究(U1304205),30万,主持,结项。

(3) 河南省重点项目:阿尔茨海默病早期诊断与药物开发的基础应用研究(17A150001),5万,主持,结项。


2. 代表性论文

1. Xia, Ning; Liu, Lin; Chang, Yong; Hao, Yuanqiang; Wang, Xiaojin. 4-Mercaptophenylboronic acid-induced in situ formation of silver nanoparticle aggregates as labels on an electrode surface, 2017年, Electrochemistry Communications, 74: 28-32(SCI一区

2.  Xia, NingWang, Xin; Yu, Jie; Wu, Yangyang; Cheng, Shuchao; Xing, Yun; Liu, Lin. Design of electrochemical biosensors with peptide probes as the receptors of targets and the inducers of gold nanoparticles assembly on electrode surface, 2017年, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 239: 834-840(SCI一区

3. Xia, Ning;, Zhihua Chen;, Yadong Liu; Ren, Huizhu; Liu, Lin. Peptide aptamer-based biosensor for the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin by converting silver nanoparticles-based colorimetric assay into sensitive electrochemical analysis, 2017, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 243: 784-791(SCI一区

4.  Xia, Ning; Wang, Xin; Zhou, Binbin; Wu, Yangyang; Mao, Wenhui; Liu, Lin; Electrochemical detection of amyloid-beta oligomers based on the signal amplification of a network of silver nanoparticles, 2016, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8: 19303-19311(SCI一区

5.  Xia, Ning; Zhou, Binbin; Huang, Nanbing; Jiang, Mengsha; Zhang, Jiebing; Liu, Lin; Visual and fluorescent assays for selective detection of beta-amyloid oligomers based on the inner filter effect of gold nanoparticles on the fluorescence of CdTe quantum dots, 2016, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 85:625-632(SCI一区

6.  Xia, Ning; Peng, Peizhen; Wang, Shasha; Du, Jiaying; Zhu, Gaihong; Du, Weimin; Liu, Lin; A signal-on electrochemical strategy for protease detection based on the formation of ATCUN-Cu(II), 2016, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 232:557-563(SCI一区

7.  Xia, Ning; Zhang, Youjuan ; Guan, Pengpeng; Hao, Yuanqiang; Liu, Lin; A simple and label-free electrochemical method for detection of beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme and screening of its inhibitor, 2015, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 213:111-115(SCI一区

8.  Xia, Ning; Zhang, Youjuan; Wei, Xin; Huang, Yaping; Liu, Lin; An electrochemical microRNAs biosensor with the signal amplification of alkaline phosphatase and electrochemical–chemical chemical redox cycling, 2015, Analytica Chimica Acta,878:95-101(SCI一区

9. Liu, Lin; Xing, Yun; Zhang, Hui ; Liu, Ruili; Liu, Huijing; Xia, Ning(通讯作者); Amplified voltammetric detection of glycoproteins using 4-mercaptophenylboronic acid/biotin-modified multifunctional gold nanoparticles as labels, 2014, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 9: 2619-2626(SCI一区

10. Liu, Lin; Gao, Yanping; Liu, Huiping; Du, Jimin; Xia, Ning(通讯作者); Electrochemical-chemical-chemical redox cycling triggered by thiocholine and hydroquinone with ferrocenecarboxylic acid as the redox mediator, 2014, Electrochimica Acta, 139, 323-330(SCI一区

11. Liu, Lin; He, Qige; Zhao, Feng; Xia, Ning (通讯作者); Liu, Huijing; Li, Sujuan; Liu, Ruili ; Zhang, Hui; Competitive electrochemical immunoassay for detection of β-amyloid (1-42) and total β-amyloid peptides using p-aminophenol redox cycling, 2014, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 51:208-212(SCI一区

12. Xia, Ning; Zhang, Liping ; Wang, Guifang; Feng, Qingqin; Liu, Lin;  Label-free and sensitive strategy for microRNAs detection based on the formation of boronate ester bonds and the dual-amplification of gold nanoparticles, 2013, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 47, 461-466(SCI一区

13. Xia, Ning; Deng, Dehua;  Zhang Liping; Yuan Baiqing;  Jing Min; Du Jimin; Liu Lin. Sandwich-type electrochemical biosensor for glycoproteins detection based on dual-amplification of boronic acid-gold nanoparticles and dopamine-gold nanoparticles, 2013, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 47, 461-466(SCI一区

14. Xia, Ning; Ma, Fengji; Zhao, Feng; He, Qige; Du, Jimin; Li, Sujuan; Chen, Jing; Liu, Lin. Comparing the performances of electrochemical sensors using p-aminophenol redox cycling by different reductants on goldelectrodes modified with self-assembled monolayers, 2013, Electrochimica Acta, 89, 348-354(SCI一区

15. Liu, Lin; Du, Jimin; Li, Sujuan; Yuan, Baiqing; Han, Hongxing; Jing, Min; Xia, Ning*(通讯作者); Amplified voltammetric detection of dopamine using ferrocene-capped gold nanoparticle/streptavidin conjugates, 2013, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 41, 730-735(SCI一区

16. Liu, Lin; Zhao, Feng; Ma, Fengji; Zhang, Liping; Yang, Suling; Xia, Ning*(通讯作者), Electrochemical detection of β-amyloid peptides on electrode covered with N-terminus-specific antibody based on electrocatalytic O2, 2013, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 49, 231-235(SCI一区

17. Liu Lin; Deng Dehua; Xing Yun; Li Sujuan; Yuan Baiqing; Chen Jing; Xia, Ning*; Activity analysis of the carbodiimide-mediated amine coupling reaction on self-assembled monolayers by cyclic voltammetry, 2013, Electrochimica Acta, 89, 616-622(SCI一区



