潘东辉,博士,讲师; E-mail: ppandonghui @163.com
2016.03-2019.09 东南大学 MKsports官网,化学工程与技术专业,工学博士;
2012.09-2015.03 东南大学 MKsports官网,化学工程与技术专业,工学硕士;
2008.09-2012.07 安阳工学院 化学与环境工程学院,应用化学专业,工学学士;
2019.09-至今 mk体育 MKsports官网。
1. Donghui Pan, Siquan Xu, Guomin Xiao*. A highly active and stable Zn@C/HZSM-5 catalyst using Zn@C derived from ZIF-8 as a template for conversion of glycerol to aromatics [J]. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019, 9, 739-752. (SCI, IF=5.726)
2. Donghui Pan, Xianghai Song, Guomin Xiao*. Efficient and selective conversion of methanol to para-xylene over stable H[Zn,Al]ZSM-5/SiO2 composite catalyst [J]. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2018, 557, 15-24. (SCI, IF=4.63)
3. Xianghai Song, Donghui Pan, Guomin Xiao*. Synthesis of glycerol carbonate over porous La-Zr based catalysts: The role of strong and super basic sites [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 750, 828-837. (SCI, IF=4.175)
4. Siquan Xu, Donghui Pan, Guomin Xiao*. Efficient production of furfural from xylose and wheat straw by bifunctional chromium phosphate catalyst in biphasic systems [J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 175, 90-96. (SCI, IF=4.507)
1. 肖国民, 潘东辉, 王华政等. 一种金属改性多级孔HZSM-5分子筛的制备方法. 公告号:CN 108821306A
2. 葛裕华,潘东辉,康静宜. 一种二苯乙烯类化合物的制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利,授权号:CN 104591959 B(已授权)
3. 葛裕华,潘东辉,康静宜. 一种取代吲哚-3-乙酸的合成方法[P]. 中国发明专利,授权号:CN 104311469 B(已授权)
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